Sunday, 28 June 2009

The Twins

As you click this link you'll be wondering "What's the point or goal of the blog and what's the point or goal of the forum?" I think the very words blog and forum contain answers.

In the Brokeback Mountain youtube video on the Pain and Passion post, there are two lines that struck me especially. Jake Gyllenhaal says "I'm always looking for films that go after an emotional journey" followed by Heath Ledger's "I always like to bare my soul a little bit. It's therapeutic." That's just what I hope will be happening on this blog. A few will want to comment here on the emotions (and philosophies) that unfold in the process. But more importantly, the philosophies and ideas that emerge would be the pivots around which concrete activist strategies can be built. That's where the forum takes over and discussions, both spontaneous and structured can take place.

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Harvey Meets Jack -blog and forum:
Promoting understanding through both heart and mind, with the belief that acceptance from the heart opens the door to understanding by the mind. Read our full mission statement and what the twins represent.

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